Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sorry everybody...

I'm sorry everybody for delaying the 5 thpart , but I really need to vent out some negative feelings I've been bottling up !!! Thank you for understanding = )!

There comes a time at any stage of every body's life when things don't go the way they want it to, they make mistakes the regret later, and never really pay attention till the consequences come right back at you ! Damn !
How life UN-expected life can be ! It can be the time of your life one day and then the next, you regret taking that last breath of fresh air...
Yet , somehow there are those who you think you can trust, but it turns out, there is no such thing as trust.
You think that family is going to back you up at the hardest of times, when they seem to be the center of all problems
Blame is taken for granted and used easily, when it has been the reason for wars and blood-sheds all over the world, Sorry for being melodramatic , but it's true.
So please go to those dear to you, and really understand what happens, happens for a reason...
You never know when that might be the last time you see that person...


  1. Oh babe, I dont know what you have been through, but they always say life is full of lessons and that we should learn from ;**

  2. Thanx for the advice (f).
    It's true that life is full of lessons to be learnt, but everything has it's limits. But oh well, you can't have a piece of cake and eat it right ;)?

  3. Thats what they always say, lol bs I always do and I think thats why I am always faced with problems ;**

  4. Loool were all faced with problems ;) !
    But i prefer to just let them roll over my shoulder and let things cool down themselves ;) !

